Jon Stewart Remains Polite for 'Daily Show' Obama Interview
Oct. 28 2010, Published 7:15 a.m. ET
President Barack Obama is no stranger to talk show appearances, but the head of state's guest spot on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show Wednesday night marked a historic occasion. His presence was the first time an in-office president has appeared on the Comedy Central program. Jon was on his A-Game for the and even referred to the Obama as "dude."
Jon remained strong, but not to aggressive as he grilled the President in a polite manner on the current state of the nation. The jokes were few compared to the heavy topics discussed.
"I feel great about where the American people are considering what we've gone through," Obama opened with. "We've gone through the two toughest years in anytime since the Great Depression."
The President also discussed how he profoundly disagrees with his critics who deem the health bill as "timid."
When Obama started to list all of his administration's accomplishment, stating “We have done things that some folks don’t know even about," Jon had to seize the opportunity to throw in some digs.
“What have you done that we don’t know about?” Stewart asked. “Are you planning a surprise party for us?”
The Daily Show is currently taping in Washington, D.C. this week in preparation for Jon and Steven Colbert's "Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear" Saturday on the National Mall.
Catch the President's interview with the comedic host below!
Part 1
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | Barack Obama Pt. 1 |
Part 2
Daily Show Full Episodes | Political Humor | Rally to Restore Sanity |
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | Barack Obama Pt. 2 |
Part 3
Daily Show Full Episodes | Political Humor | Rally to Restore Sanity |
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | Barack Obama Pt. 3 |
Daily Show Full Episodes | Political Humor | Rally to Restore Sanity |