OK! Love Columnist Mayte Garcia of Hollywood Exes Talks Summer Flings
Hello out there to the lovebirds and the lovelorn! Mayte Garcia of Hollywood Exes is here to answer your love questions. Got a love conundrum? Tweet it to @OKMagazine with the hashtag #OKLoveMayte to see your question answered here.
OK!: What's your advice for a couple's first weekend away together?
Mayte Garcia: You're definitely going to get to know each other. That weekend is do-or-die. I'd say if you agree to do it, go with an open heart, be yourself, have a good time. You have to be yourself—this may be the first time he sees you without makeup, so go very light on the first day. Then you wipe it off, it's like, This is me. Let's do this!
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OK!: How can you transition your summer fling into a relationship?
MG: It's possible. For me, from the beginning, before I get intimate, we talk about the relationship. There's no stressing about that. But if it's something you entered into in the summer and you were like, whatever, you have to be honest. Take him out for a drink, and bring it up. "Hey, fall's coming, what do you want to do? I had a good time with you, I want to see where this could go." If he's not receptive to it, I say cut that sh*t off! Like you're cutting off your bikini.
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OK!: How much texting is too much texting for you, especially at the beginning of a relationship?
MG: I don't mind it for a day or two, but after that you can find time to sit down and pick up the phone and have a conversation. It's cool because you can ask stuff you don't know how to say. You have that shield, and if you like their answer you can eventually get on the phone. Two days, otherwise it's maturity level. Or he doesn't want to get on the phone with you. It's definitely happened to me. You want to talk to the person that you like.
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OK!: Do you have tips for setting people up?
MG: I like to have barbeques. I have daytime functions where there's white wine, a couple of beers, good food, and I'll invite a couple of people. I won't say anything, I'll just see what the energy is. If there's some kind of acknowledgment between them, I'll pull one aside to say, by the way, she's single, and I see that you guys are hitting it off. So there's not the pressure that when they come to your house they're meeting this guy. That's what's happens to me, and it sucks! Don't say anything.
Tune in to the new episode of Hollywood Exes this Sunday at 8! Tweet your questions for next week to @OKMagazine with the hashtag #OKLoveMayte.