14 Surprisingly Accurate Life Lessons from Real Housewives of New York

Ramona Singer Turtle Time

It’s easier to make your mark on Bravo (and the world) if you have a catchphrase, like Ramona Singer’s “turtle time.”

Everybody who works for Diddy is awesome, like Heather Thomson.

Leave your husband behind on "girls' night out."
Ramona Singer gif

There's nothing a little white wine can't fix.

If you're bringing your kids to a formal event, they had better behave. Their own fancy names will not suffice.

Professional chefs do not like it when you refer to them as mere "cooks."

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You can't crash other people's vacations, as Jill Zarin unfortunately learned one season.

You shouldn't ask someone if they used a ghost writer, especially if they're a professional writer. It will not go well.

Sometimes you have to suck it up and apologize for the sake of a friendship. Jill Zarin and Bethenny Frankel lost their relationship because they both refused to say sorry.

People care a whole lot about their formal titles, especially when addressed by a member of the "help."
Countess LuAnn gif

Money can’t buy you class. Duh.
Alex McCord gifs

Brooklyn is a real place where people actually reside.

Your parents don’t stop being awkward when you grow up. Aviva Drescher’s dad keeps things wacky.