Ryan Murphy Reveals How Glee Would Have Ended! Here Are Some Ideas for the Finale Now

Glee creator Ryan Murphy revealed in an interview yesterday what his plan for the Glee finale would have been, had Cory Monteith lived. Rachel would have come back to Ohio after a successful career on Broadway to find Finn in a classroom of their old high school, where he would have taught, and would have said, "I'm home." Since that scene sadly cannot happen now, here are some ideas for how the show could end....

"I love when shows flash forward for the finale, so I want to see where EVERYONE ended up. Kurt and Blaine living in NYC and running a theater school together, Mercedes in the studio with someone big, like a Mariah level, Santana and Brittany reunited (maybe not together as couple, but together), and of course, Rachel accepting a Tony and thanking her son (with whom, not sure, but the son is named Finn... yes, get out the tissues now!)."
—Lauren Brown, Site Director

"The series should end with Rachel becoming a Broadway star who gets a record deal. Her hit single is a remix of Journey's 'Don't Stop Believing' which she sings at the Grammys with the McKinley glee club members, past and present, as her backup singers. She dedicates the song to Finn and to Mr. Shuester for always believing in her."
—Lauren Kane, Web Producer

"I'm going to go with something hokey, like everyone has to return to the high school because it's in danger of losing all of its funding and being closed down. They end with Rachel singing 'Don't Stop Believing' and the rest of the cast picking up Cory's parts as a group."
—Kelly Bryant, Web Writer
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"The final numbers in most Glee episodes are typically amazing, and I envision the finale of the entire series to be epic. I'm thinking a little bit of Green Day's 'Good Riddance' sung in the choir room, featuring comeback appearances from some of the series' best guest stars—Idina Menzel, Neil Patrick Harris…and maybe a little more Britney Spears."
—Haley Longman, Entertainment Editor

"I'd like them all to sing 'To Sir With Lov'e again, because that was beautiful the first time around and I think it fits."
—Emily Kanoff, Social Media Manager

"I'm all for any excuse to have kids singing, so maybe it's something wildly corny like all the old glee club members teaching their kids to sing Journey... with an appearance by Journey, please. It's the least they can do!"
—Kaitlin Menza, Senior Editor