The 14 Coolest Non-Celebrity Instagram Accounts to Follow

Squee! Follow Biddy the hedgehog on his tiny adventures around the world at @biddythehedgehog.

There are make-up artists, and there are make-up masters. Tal Peleg creates incredible images out of basic eyeshadow and eyeliner at @tal_peleg.

Wish you could be French? Don't we all. Follow @miss_etc to at least pretend you're that adorable and chic.

Ida Skivenes is a food artist based in Norway... and this version of "The Scream" is made out of a caprese salad! Yum! Follow her at @idafrosk.

@thehandwriting gives you inspirational phrases and the occasional song lyric in, yep, handwriting.

The Fat Jewish is a New York personality who really grasps how to be hilarious (and often offensive) on Instagram. Laugh with him at @thefatjewish.

An adorable sleeping Japanese baby placed in ridiculous scenarios made of cloth? Sure. Thanks, @kebapala.

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@croyable is a Dutch photographer who gives you a beautiful slice of his little world.

Be careful: @satiregram mocks all of those Instagram cliches. Don't commit them yourself!

Check out NASA's coolest pics from outer space at @nasagoddard.

Jen Selter is, yes, the butt girl. But what a butt! You should follow her at @jenselter just to see the creative new ways she finds to showcase that tucchus.

Blake Williams is a visual artist who uses Instagram to the best of its cool effects at @keepsy.

Comedian Joe Mande keeps you giggling at @joemande.

Goldie Van Schoonhoven is a chihuahua living in Brooklyn, but you already saw everything you needed to with this fantastic pic, right? Follow at @8lbpooch.