EXCLUSIVE! 'Big Brother' Winner Ian Terry on Runner-Up Dan Gheesling: "The Ultimate Slimy, Scummy Move"

Sept. 20 2012, Published 9:19 a.m. ET
It was a long summer in the Big Brother house filled with lies, backstabbing and even a showmance, but by the end of it all only one came out on top: Super Big Brother fan Ian Terry.
In a season that featured veterans and newbies, Ian was able to make it all the way through and beat out one of the best players ever, Dan Gheesling, in the final two. Dan, who won in season 10, didn't go home empty-handed, he took $50,000 for second place, while fan favorite Frank Eudy won $25,000 for America's Favorite Player.
Ian may not have slept yet, but we got the chance to chat with him the morning after he won on the sleazy things that Dan did, what it was like playing with veterans, if he really thought he would win and more.
How do you feel after winning?
Amazing. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I am still reeling that it actually happened. I am still shocked.
What did you think of having these vets walk in?
I thought it was really great, I was really happy to see them there knowing they were coaching and I wasn't playing against them, so that was really exciting. When I found out that I would be playing against them, it was unfortunate.
Did you know who you wanted to work with?
From the get go, I wanted to work with Dan or Mike. I felt drawn to those two. I didn't think I wanted to work with Britney or Janelle, but obviously I ended up having a really great friendship with Britney. It was really unexpected.
What are you thinking of all the dirty moves Dan made?
It's a gameshow. I'm over it, it's all good. I was a little bit digusted, but I am fine with it.
What about that he gave you his grandfather's gold chain and promised final two, but also told Danielle that?
I was disgusted with him. I could not believe that he would do such a thing. It was the ultimate slimy scummy move.
Have you talked to him?
Yes, I have no issue with Dan personally. I realize that it was a gameshow. Once the shock wore off, it was fine. It ended up okay.
Did you think you could win against Dan or did you take him because you promised him?
The main reason I took him was to honor my commitment, and I did feel l had a better chance against him than Danielle. The jury thought that Danielle is such a sweetheart and she would kick my butt in the final three. I have seen Survivor so many times, so I had the thought that if he did that to so many people, it would come back to bite him.
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Did you find out about Ashley and Frank making out during their ice cream date?
I have, water under the bridge. I knew after Ashley left what was going on there.I couldn't care less laughs. I will be friends with her. I have no intentions of dating her. I think she is a nice girl, I really have no intentions to date her.
Do you think Shane and Danielle will make a go of it?
I think there is legitmate chemistry there, I hope it works out for them. Shane is a really nice guy and Danielle, I think, is a really sweet girl. I know she's gotten some stick in the press. I think she's a sweetheart and I really hope those two work it out.
Is it weird that everyone knows who you are now?
That is the absolute strangest thing. I never thought people would actually know or care who I was. I completely lost it about trending on Twitter.
What do you want to do next?
I need to decompress. I need a break. I need to let what I missed sink in. I need to calm down. It's a whirlwind, it's a rollercoaster. It's a house of cards. If the wind blows the wrong way, your game is done. I was trying to be very very careful.
Did you realize that if Dan hadn't blindsided and voted out Shane, you would have been gone?
I know that. The one thing that really digusted me was the chain cross necklace. And also we sat at the table and Dan said how 50 grand was going to change my life and he was jerking me around the whole time. I do realize that I would have been gone. He knew Danielle or Shane would not have kept him. He had to keep me.
Do you think he threw the last HOH and would he have taken Danielle?
I don't think he threw it. It was just a guess, that game. I really had no rhyme or reason. I just kind of guessed. I was lucky, I got them all right.
Who will you stay in touch with?
Every single one… If people have personal beefs with Dan, but I have nothing against any of them.