OK! Love Columnist Mayte Garcia of Hollywood Exes Talks Surviving Divorce

Hello out there to the lovebirds and the lovelorn! Mayte Garcia of Hollywood Exes is here to answer your love questions. Got a love conundrum? Tweet it to @OKMagazine with the hashtag #OKLoveMayte to see your question answered here.

OK!: "I'm going through a divorce. Just when I think I'm good with it, I wonder if I made the right choice. Does it get any easier?"
Mayte Garcia: If you got a divorce, you obviously had to go through the separation process, the legalities of it. That's why they have separations. Whenever you break up with somebody, you're like, Should I have done it? You wanted to break up with him enough to have a divorce. Don't second guess yourself. Move on. Appreciate and learn from it. That's what I did when I got divorced. What did you learn from it? How can you avoid it? The relationship I'm in now, I communicate on what I have a problem with. Move forward, take that time to heal.
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OK!: What's the sweetest thing you've ever done for a man you were in love with?
MG: Danced for them, privately! For me, it's an ongoing thing. Cooking. You buy stupid cards that you never thought you'd do. It's not one thing that I did. Those kind of things are really sweet when you love somebody.
OK!: "Is there any hope for a woman in her 50s to find a man, when men in their 50s want someone in their 20s or 30s?"
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MG: I just had this conversation! My guy is 42, and I'm going to be 40. There is hope. There are guys out there that don't want to deal with 25-year-old girls, who want to have a family. Talk to your friends—your friends have friends who are divorced. They're out there. Look around yourself. The guy that I'm with now is a friend I had for twenty years!
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OK!: Should you ever get a pet with a boyfriend?
MG: Yeah! It shows the other person how they care for something. It's a commitment; you have to discuss if it weren't to work out, who gets the dog? Who is more responsible? It's great practice for communicating between two people. Absolutely. And go rescue!
OK!: What dating sites have you and friends used, and do you have any pros and cons?
MG: I heard Match.com is 50/50. There's crazy people on there, but my friend married her husband from Match. EHarmony, I hear, is horrible. I joined OKCupid—no. No. No. I was on there for a week, and no. The guys are like, ugh. I'd say the most popular. You want to find the most popular, and the least negatively talked about, so Match.
Tune in to the new episode of Hollywood Exes this Sunday at 8! Tweet your questions for next week to @OKMagazine with the hashtag #OKLoveMayte.