Poll: Whose Book Would You Rather Read, Melissa Joan Hart's or Danielle Fishel's?
Get ready to know your teenage idols a whole lot better. Both Melissa Joan Hart and Danielle Fishel have memoirs on the way!
Watch: Melissa Joan Hart told OK! all about her book earlier this year!
We're excited to learn more about both of these stars, though their books sound pretty different. Melissa Joan Hart confesses to experimenting with drugs like ecstasy, marijuana, and mushrooms and kissing girls in her new book, Melissa Explains It All: Tales from My Abnormally Normal Life, which comes out October 29.
Watch: Danielle Fishel shared details of her upcoming wedding with OK!
Meanwhile, Danielle's book is due out next fall. Normally, This Would Be Cause for Concern: Tales of Calamity and Unrelenting Awkwardness seems to promise more laughs than Melissa's book, with stories about "disastrous auditions to wedding planning mishaps and awkward red-carpet moments." We'd love to hear more about your goofy life, Topanga Lawrence!
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Do you like reading celebrity memoirs? Were you surprised to hear about Melissa Joan Hart's drug use? Tell us in the comments below or tweet us @OKMagazine.