Star Bodies! How To Get Blake Lively's Toned Legs
March 21 2013, Published 6:00 a.m. ET
With lovely, lean legs like Blake Lively, who wouldn’t want to show them off? The key to Blake’s sexy stems is adding a little twist to classic exercises.
Circuit Works trainer Alycia Darby gives us three exercises you can do to get gossip-worthy legs.
And stay with for our 12 Week Countdown To Summer campaign to get you in the best shape ever for the upcoming bikini season.
Exercise #1: 20 Jump Squats with a stretch
As you jump squeeze the quads to stretch your legs long and straight in the air and bend your knees as you land. Focus on the height of the jump rather than the depth of the squat, which will force you to work the front of the leg leading to shapely quads like Blake’s. Do 20 jumps as high as you can extend.
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Exercise #2: Wall Sit with a lift
With your back against the wall, knees bent at 90-degrees, lift just your toes off the ground. This small adjustment will shift your weight toward the heels and targets your quad. Hold this position for 1-minute.
Exercise #3: Seated Leg Lifts with a turn
Sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you, flex your feet and lift one leg off of the ground keeping it straight. Now, rotate your lifted leg so your flexed toes are turning away from your midline. Pulse the lifted leg up in this turned-out position for 30-seconds then switch legs.
Do this quad-burning circuit 3 times daily.
FIT TIP: If you don’t have time to do these exercises in a circuit format, try to sprinkle them into your day. Seated Leg Raises can be done while catching up on emails from your desk chair and Wall Sits are great while reading the morning paper or on a phone call.
The more you incorporate these resistance exercises into your day, the more lean muscle you’ll build to show off in your summer mini.
Which celebrity do you think has the best legs? Let us know below or tweet us @OKMagazine!