OK! Ask Heather: The RHOC Star Chats about the Season So Far

This season of is entering the final round of episodes, so we caught up with OK! columnist to hear her thoughts on some of the drama this season—and get some hints about the reunion taping last week!
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OK!: How was the reunion taping?
Heather Dubrow: It was my second reunion taping, and it's pretty grueling. The dress I wore was tight, so I had to sit up and I felt like I was sitting straight for literally 11 hours. Obviously, the show can't show everything that happens, so it's our chance to explain to the audience what has gone on. This reunion was shocking.
OK!: Do you guys have cocktails before filming?
HD: It seems to me that they’re always very free with the liquor! I personally didn’t have anything but I can’t speak for the other ladies, because there was alcohol around. But they picked me up at 5:30 am so it wasn’t the first thing on my mind. As you could see from my Instagram, there was some champs for lunch.
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OK!: How do you feel the day after a reunion? How do you cleanse your soul?
HD: I would like to say I stay in bed till noon, and went to the spa and recharged, but the reality of my life is I have four young children and I was up at 6 am taking everyone to camp. There’s plenty of time to rest when you’re dead.
OK!: Now, to get into the season. How would you feel if one of the other ladies was really competing with you an acting job?
HD: I am firm believer that there is room for everyone. There are 70,000 channels on the television. I don't compete with anyone. It's all about talent and timing and luck. These are girls I'm fond of, and even though we have our ups and downs, I want them to succeed. If one of them has the desire to be an actress, then good for them! It doesn't take away from me.
OK! News: Lydia McLaughlin gives her own spin on the RHOC drama.

OK!: What's the best way to deal with someone you fundamentally don't jive with—like you and ?
HD: If there's someone in your life who isn't the right fit for you, don't go out of your way to sit next to them. Limit your exposure and try to find common ground, because the truth is there's something you must have in common with this person: You're both mothers, or you both enjoy football. Keep the conversations light.
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OK!: How did you feel about the gossip? If someone gave you gossip about your enemy, how would you handle it?
HD: It was terrible. As far as I'm concerned, if I don't see it with my own eyes, I can't confirm it. If someone told me something about an enemy, I wouldn't want to know. I don't wish anyone ill, and if someone had misfortune, I wouldn't go out and celebrate it. I hated it. It was gossipy and mean, and it wasn't necessary.
OK! News: What lawsuit was Vicki just hit with?
OK!: I was moved by Vicki's reaction. How do you handle yourself when you know you're about to get super emotional in public?
HD: I'm not a big yeller, but I try to breathe. I don't think I really explode on people, but I just try to breathe and get through it.
OK!: What was your favorite moment of the season so far?
HD: I had a few, but I'd say the episode where we shot Hot in Cleveland was my favorite of the season, because I feel like the audience and the other girls finally saw what it is I do. That was a good moment for me, going back to scripted TV.
OK!: Is there a moment you wish you could go back and do over?
HD: I would say my fight with Terry, but the truth is that it's real and I'm proud of the fact that we showed you have ebbs and flows and you get through it in a mature, intelligent way.

OK!: You're one of the only ladies without a product. Is there one you're interested in?
HD: I understand that the reality genre is a great platform for branding, but I did the show for my own reasons. There are definitely things I want to do and things people are asking me to do, but I want it to come from an organic place, not just like, Heather's salad dressing.
Don’t miss the newest episode of The Real Houswives of Orange County TONIGHT on Bravo at 8/7 C and tweet your q’s to @OKMagazine with the hashtag #OKAskHeather and she could answer you in next week’s column!
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