OK! Loves: The Wrong Mans Is The Right Show for Fun
Dec. 5 2013, Published 1:41 p.m. ET
The Wrong Mans is a new show that premiered last month on Hulu. All I want to do is talk about how amazing it is and at the same time say nothing because I want everyone to be able to experience it knowing as little as I did when I jumped on board for the exhilarating TV ride. So I’ll just give you the basics and you can go from there. But call me as soon as you’re done so we can talk about all our favorite parts, ok?
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What: The Wrong Mans. A British drama, action, comedy, thriller about an everyman and his co-worker/pal who gets caught up in an extraordinary situation. Stunts, laughs, romance and so much more pack every minute of every episode.
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Who: James Corden (of Gavin and Stacey fame) and Mathew Baynton (of Spy, a similar British action-comedy I also cannot recommend enough) play Phil and Sam respectively. Sam is responsible for picking up a phone call clearly not intended for him and the next thing you know his co-worker Phil comes along for the ride that includes Sam throwing punches, taking punches, stripping, shrieking, playing "finish the movie quote" games, all the while trying to win back his ex-girlfriend who also happens to be his boss. Sound exciting enough for you? Good…
Where: You can see all 6 30-minute episodes now on Hulu.com and as you can tell, I highly suggest you do. I got a HuluPlus account. So. I’m in it to win it.
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Why: If you binge watch it all in a row, which honestly it is hard to take it in any other way as you’ll be begging for the next episode before the current one is even done, it is 3 hours of well spent entertainment time. There’s really something for everyone! It’s super intense and dramatic with tons of suspense and mystery and action scenes that are so well-balanced with sincere, romantic moments and hilarious situations and quotes that will have you giggling during car chases. Phil is the perfect buddy to leading man Sam, a total Jim Halpert type. You could drop Mat Baynton and his puppy dog eyes in a romantic comedy any day now and just watch him become a huge star. But see him in The Wrong Mans first to see what I mean.
Photos: 18 pairs of mittens and gloves to keep your hands warm and toasty
When: Uh, now please? Whatever you’re in the mood for this show will satisfy in more ways and genres than you thought possible. What, are you waiting for Harry Styles to tweet about it or something? Well he already did!
Check out The Wrong Mans page on Hulu here to watch the entire series.
What did you think of The Wrong Mans? Are you a Sam or a Phil? Tell us in the comments below or on Twitter @OKMagazine.