American Idol's Syesha Mercado Reunites With Newborn Daughter Ast After Losing Custody, Still Fighting For Return Of Son Amen'Ra
Syesha Mercado has been reunited with her newborn daughter Ast.
After OK! reported, the American Idol alums two children were taken away from her by Child Protective Services, her partner Tyron Deener announced via Instagram baby Ast has been returned to her parents.

“AST IS HOME!!!!,” Deener gushed, adding: “#BringRaHome POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!!!!,” referring to their 1-year-old son Amen'Ra. “I’m going to make this a real quick live. Ast is home. Ast is home. We have Ast with us,” he added in the clip.
“We wanted to say thank you. We still got work to do to get Ra back,” he continued. “But we wanted to say thank you because of y’all… we had the proper support to get the best attorneys in the county to bring justice, Ast is back.”

As OK! previously reported, Mercado had Amen’Ra taken from her after she took him to the hospital back in February. She explained she was having issues transitioning him from breast milk to solid foods and the nurses accused her of refusing to allow them to administer the toddler a B12 shot and then CPS stepped in.
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The singer took to social media to explain the situation from her point of view, claiming Amen'Ra was "forcefully and legally kidnapped" by authorities. “[CPS] claim we refused a B12 shot that was a matter of life and death, which is an absolute lie. We never refused a B12 shot, and at no point was he on the verge of death.”
After being stopped by police earlier this month, authorities noticed a newborn baby in the car and took Ast amid her pending CPS case. Syesha posted another emotional video via social media pleading to get her newborn back.
“My baby is days old and you’re taking my baby away from me. You’re taking my baby away from me. You have no heart. This is so wrong,” she can be heard saying in the clip posted on August, 11, 2021.

The couple launched a GoFundMe page and was able to secure over $400,000 to help cover legal fees, according to Radar. They are still fighting to regain custody of baby Amen,Ra.