Big Brother HOH Andy Puts Up Spencer and Jessie—But See Who's on the Block After the Veto Competition!

Head of Household Andy nominated Jessie and Spencer for eviction on Day 50 in the Big Brother house. Jessie is his main target, though anything can happen with the Power of Veto up for grabs! Read through to the end to find out the biggest surprise of the season!

Wednesday's show kicks off with everyone talking about how it's time to make a big game move in this house. Unfortunately, as we have learned time and time again, talk is very cheap with the BB 15 crew.
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Amanda is solidifying her final four alliance (a.k.a. running the game) as the houseguest numbers dwindle. It's looking like the fledgling alliance—one of the strongest so far—will consist of Aaryn, Amanda, Andy and McCrae.

Helen, who we now fully know Andy is playing, is starting to grow suspicious of her redhead buddy. When she talks to Elissa, Helen reveals that she now worries that Amanda and McCrae will strike at them first. That's a real possibility since Andy tells Amanda and McCrae about Helen "sharpening her sword" to get them out.
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Amanda insists they have to get Helen evicted at the first opportunity possible. McCrae then goes to Helen to set up a fake alliance, hoping she will take the bait. He tells her he wants to take her and Andy to the final three, and Helen falls for the ploy hook, line and sinker.

"McCrae has finally woken up," says Helen. "He realizes that if he wants to win this game, he needs to cut Amanda loose."
Well, no. The Pizza Boy is whipped and he's about to deliver a deadly blow to Helen's game. And her pal Andy is fully on board with the fake deal.
In a game that has such little strategic play, we will have to gobble up these miniscule scraps of good game whenever possible.
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Now let's see what happens in the Power of Veto Competition!
Today's players are Spencer, Jessie, Andy, Helen, Elissa and Amanda. McCrae is the host.
The theme of the game is the Big Brother movie theater. Players will have a few minutes to soak in three sets from the BB b-movie Blood! Bolts! And Bandages! The object of the game is to earn three movie tickets. To earn the ticket, McCrae asks players a question about one of the three sets, and each answer is always a number.

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After the houseguests write down what they believe is the right amount and hear everyone's answers, they must decide whether to stay or fold. Folding means no ticket but no risk of getting kicked out of the game. Staying could result in a ticket, but if the answer is furthest from the correct number then that person will leave the game. If nobody wins three tickets, then whoever has the most after six rounds wins.
Everyone except Jessie secretly agrees to always fold in order to give Helen the win because Amanda wants Helen to feel safe while they collude to get Jessie out. It is working perfectly until Spencer decides he shouldn't throw the competition when he's on the block. His change of heart ends up getting Helen evicted from the POV Competition. With the plan gone awry, the players must now all battle for the tickets if they hope to see Jessie go.
Amanda is next out and she is "flabbergasted" and "pissed off" because she can no longer control the game.
Jessie is next out, probably losing the only chance to save herself.
On the next round, Andy wins the power of Veto over Spencer and Elissa since he has the most tickets after six rounds.

Andy plans to probably keep the nominations the same, but he says Spencer has made himself a bigger target since he threw the game against everyone's wishes. Helen continues to hope Andy will target Amanda and McCrae. Amanda is annoyed about Spencer still and says he "better watch his hairy back" or he could be home.
Jessie later meets with Andy to remind him that he's at the bottom of the totem pole with the people he is allied with. She says if he targets Amanda it would bring him to the top because the other people in the house would appreciate his move.

Ah, if only Andy—not to mention the house—actually responded to smart strategy talk.
Helen, bless her heart, tries. Maybe a little too hard or a bit blindly. Helen majorly goofs when she tells her "ally" McCrae that Amanda needs to go now or their "final four deal" will be in jeopardy.
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The real fledgling final four—Amanda, Aaryn, Andy and McCrae—gather to discuss Helen and what she's trying to make happen. Andy, of course, is just so torn on what to do with his POV. He talks about back-dooring Helen and making one of his "first big power moves."
Let's see what he does in the Veto Meeting.
Andy chooses to…

Keep the nominations the same. So much for that "first big power move."
As for that promised biggest surprise of the Big Brother season? It's that the remaining houseguests still have not served up a single smart strategic move! Ugh.
Stay tuned to OKMagazine.com for Big Brother All-Star and OK! blogger Rachel Reilly's take on Thursday's eviction episode!
Who do you think needs to go next? What should Big Brother do to save this season and make it more interesting? Follow me on twitter for more BB recaps, exclusives and news, and then sound off in the comments section or tweet us @OKMagazine.