There's a New Big Brother HOH and Two Nominees Up for Eviction! Will This Be a Big Game-Changing Week?

Sunday night's Big Brother starts off with a recap of Thursday's double eviction episode.
There is lots and lots of crying after Judd gets sent packing—even though all the houseguests insist they really don't want him to go.
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The tears flow for what seems like an eternity. Andy cries. McCrae breaks down. Aaryn doesn’t know if she did the right thing. Helen just keeps hammering home that this was a great and necessary move.
For a full rundown of what happened, check out BB All-Star Rachel Reilly's scathing OK! Reality Recap here.

Thank God it’s HOH time. Another chance for these weak players to prove they have an iota of game, skill and strategy. Please?
The competition is at an ice cream parlor. Houseguests must land a cherry on top of a giant sundae by guiding it down a banana peel shaped slide.

The house will compete head to head, and the first one to land their cherry will move on to the next challenge. Another important announcement: The winner of the competition will choose the house’s four Have Nots for the week.
The guests to move on to the second phase are:
In the next round, Jessie and Andy compete and Andy wins. Next Amanda goes up against her showmance, McCrae, and McCrae wins (after she made it clear that he had better throw the game or they would be “banana splitting up." Surprisingly, he didn't give in to her demands. She’s devastated and has zero problem showing it.)

The final challengers for the HOH are Andy versus McCrae.
And Andy wins!

As the new HOH, Andy must choose the Have Nots for the week. Oh, he's going to get some blood on his hands. But, wait! All of a sudden everyone is actually volunteering to be a Have Not. The losers are Helen, Elissa, Aaryn and GinaMarie.
Next Andy worries about getting HOH because he loves playing the floater and being everyone’s best friend. And everyone in the house thinks Andy is their best buddy, too.
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Flash to Amanda continuing to harass McCrae about not throwing the game and handing her the win.
“Are you kidding me?” asks McCrae.

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How do you think we feel McCrae? America tried to get her evicted and it didn’t work, so now you deal with her!
Watch: Julie Chen Talks About the Big Brother Controversy Ruining the House
Just when it seemed the tears were done…Amanda continues crying to her housemates about never winning anything.

And then she cries some more to McCrae, who is at least smart enough to remind her that they have zero blood on their hands so they aren’t a target.
Watch: Big Brother Houseguests Talk About Aaryn’s Racist Comments
Speaking of blood, as is the theme with houseguests this year, Andy can’t seem to make any decisions on his own, so he consults with the house mastermind, Helen.

Wisely, Helen suggests he put up…
Amanda and McCrae!
But Andy says he trusts them even if Helen insists they are way too strong and it might be the last chance to break them up. Still, Andy is torn between his two allegiances. Because actually picking a side for once would be like playing the game, and that can't happen! Can it Andy?
Helen tells him that her gut tells her that playing it safe won’t win the game. Um, have these people watched the last 14 seasons of this show? Do they need their gut to tell them the obvious? They don’t need to worry about playing it safe when none of them even seems to be playing, period.
Anyway, let's see what happens, because it’s time for the Nomination Ceremony!

Andy chooses to put up:


He “adores” both of them on a personal level, but on a strategic level he needs to secure his position in this game.
What a waste of an HOH. What a waste of a season.
Who do you think will go home? Who do you think really needs to go home next? Do you really care? Follow me on twitter for more BB exclusives, recaps and news, and then sound off in the comments section or tweet us @OKMagazine.