Teen Mom 2 Recap: Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith Buy a House Together

The theme of tonight's Teen Mom 2 was definitely moving. Or new houses. Or something. Jenelle actually bought a new home while both Kailyn and Leah talked about buying ones. As for Chelsea? She still can't over the fact that Aubree is in pre-school! See what else went down on episode 4, plus @BabsEvansMTV 's funny commentary, in our full recap below.
OK! Exclusive: Leah and Kailyn Talk About How Jeremy and Javi Are as Dads
Chelsea Houska and Adam continue their co-parenting streak this week, with Adam coming with Chelsea to pick Aubree up on her first day of pre-school. Chels even lets Adam's parents take her for a few days! But meanwhile, Chelsea doesn't know about Adam's plan to file papers to get more custody, so, um, this could get awkward real quick.
@BabsEvansMTV would say: "I"m so happy ta see ya workin' together for tha sake of ya DAWTA! But he's a LOOSA for FAGHETTING ya BURTHDAY! I can't BUHLIEVE him!"

Photos: See Tons of Pics From The Teen Mom 2 Reunion Show Taping
Kailyn Lowry's legal case with Jo makes absolutely zero progress this week, but that doesn't stop Kail and Javi from moving forward with their lives. Javi finds the perfect house for their family in Delaware (with a backyard!), so they put down an offer and start the process. And if the judge eventually rules that Kailyn can't move Isaac out of state? Well, then they'll just cross that bridge when they come to it.
@BabsEvansMTV would say: "That's a GOUHGEAOUS house that Javi found fa ya in DELAWEAH! But ya gonna be wastin' ya money if Jo doesn't let ya take Isaac! I hope ya know what ya doin'!"

OK! News: Read Our Recap of Last Week's Teen Mom 2
Leah Messer's husband Jeremy is MIA this week since's he's out of town for work, but Leah meanwhile starts doing research on new homes they can move into that are more handicap accessible for Ali. Leah's stepdad is not happy that she wants to move the family 40 minutes away though...But in other news, when Leah meets up with Corey, she learns that Corey is in denial about Ali's condition and pretty much just thinks it's a cold that's going to go away eventually. Oy. Heartbreaking.
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@BabsEvansMTV would say: "I think ya makin' the right decision by movin' ya family to a house on a FAHRM. But ya gotta have a TAWK with Corey and tell him that Ali's health issue is a serious MATTA!"

Watch: Adam Forgets Chelsea's Birthday on Teen Mom 2
Jenelle Evans, despite knowing Nathan for not a long time at all, buys a new house with him in Myrtle Beach. Babs brings Jace to come visit and she's impressed with how nice (and expensive) it is, but Jenelle tells her not to worry because Nathan has a good job selling timeshares. Meanwhile, Babs and Jenelle have the sleepover discussion again, and Babs says she'll think about it because she knows she doesn't have to worry anymore about Jenelle doing drugs and forgetting about the baby. Well, probably.
@BabsEvansMTV would say: "I like Nathan, but ya movin' too FAST, Jenelle. I hope ya both can AFFOAD this house togetha! And I hope ya can be RESPONSIBLE and take good ceah of JACE!"

Watch: Jenelle Evans Compares Nathan to Kieffer and Gary
Stay tuned to OKMagazine.com all throughout Teen Mom 2's new season for tons more fun recaps, exclusive clips, interviews with the cast and more! What'd you think of tonight's episode? Tweet us @OKMagazine or leave a comment on our Teen Mom Facebook page.