Big Brother HOH Aaryn Puts Two Players Up for Eviction—Will Her Plan to Get Rid of a Key Player Work?

Jessie left the Big Brother house and Aaryn became the new Head of Household on Day 56 of the game.
Aaryn is less than thrilled about the HOH win. She calls it "scary" because she's "the person who gets all the blood" on her hands (which is exactly why she should consider not blindly following everything Amanda and McCrae tell her to do.)

On the other hand, GinaMarie is thrilled for Aaryn's HOH victory because they are like sisters—cat fights and all!
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Despite her sweet position as the de facto house ruler, Amanda melts down and whines to McCrae about losing HOH for the gazillionth time. "Here we go again," McCrae later says, pointing out that his showmance lost a win he "handed her on a silver platter."
Speaking of Amanda, where is she? Oh, that's her just hiding behind the recycling bin in the pantry.

What is she doing there? Crying, of course.
"I like him and all, but she's just going to ruin his life," GinaMarie tells Spencer of her pal.
While Amanda sobs, Helen and Elissa try to convince each other that they will be safe. "Each time she has been HOH I've been fearful for my safety in this game," says Elissa.
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Helen tells Elissa to go talk to Aaryn. The crafty political adviser then beats her to the punch and chats up Aaryn herself, still believing they have a shaky alliance. Helen automatically goes into that saccharine-sweet cheerleader mode she loves so much. "You are such a bright girl, and you are so humble," she gushes to Aaryn. "I am amazed by you."

Aaryn falls for all the compliments and admits she really, really likes Helen (which she should since behind the scenes Helen adeptly advised her to can the racist comments and clean up her image.)
After her slobberest finally comes to an end, the new HOH Amanda says it's time to get back in the game and target her latest victims—Elissa and Helen—in what she says would be "a really big move."
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Aaryn then reveals she's going to put Elissa and Spencer up. Wrong answer. Amanda goes into full influence mode and tells her she needs to go after her choices of Elissa and Helen instead. "Let Helen think Elissa's your target," suggests Amanda, gunning for her biggest threat in the game.

Aaryn worries that the move could cause her to get a lot of blood on her hands, which she doesn't want. Then why does she always let her trusted "3 a.m. alliance" of Amanda, McCrae and Andy lead her to the slaughter? Maybe she should just stop winning HOH if she isn't going to do anything with it but prolong her own eviction.
In other news, it's another week of houseguests getting to see Aaryn's HOH room! "Here we go…again," says an underwhelmed Elissa.
"We are literally looking at pictures of her with goats," points out Spencer.
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Amanda still can't hide how she feels about Aaryn's HOH win. "At one point she is literally green with envy," says Andy.
Elissa now seems to be the only one who remembers just how truly evil Aaryn acted and the horrible things she said during the first weeks of the show. "Aaryn makes me feel really uncomfortable," says Elissa.

She confesses that she really doesn't want to compromise her own life values to suck up to Aaryn in order to stay in the game. She does it, but half-heartedly since she is down about missing life events outside the house, like her son's first day of school.
Helen says she understands because her father is currently undergoing chemotherapy and she can't be there for him.
"We have each other," Helen tells Elissa in order to motivate her.
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But Elissa tells Helen that if she gets evicted she refuses to go to the jury house. Helen breaks down and feels completely abandoned by her BFF. Instead of holding her cards close to the vest, she immediately runs to tell the rest of the house just how hurt she is. "Unless Elissa wants to play, I can't play for both of us," Helen tells America.
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Calm down, Helen. Elissa's sister—BB All-Star and OKMagazine.com blogger, Rachel Reilly— says not to worry.
Ever the sympathetic diplomat, Amanda tells viewers the truth of the situation. "Helen don't cry!" she snipes. "Elissa's not the target, you are! Silly girl."
But before we find out whose going on the block, it's time for the Have or Have-Not Competition. Houseguests must press the start button, enter a giant black box, find the key in the dark and then unlock a clear container holding the stop button.

Whoever does it in the fastest time wins!
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First the green team (Helen, GinaMarie, Elissa and Amanda) go.

They have some trouble finding the key.

Next the orange teammates (Andy, Spencer, McCrae and Aaryn) try their luck. They find it quite quickly, but it takes them a long time to find the exit in the dark box.
The Haves for the week are...

The orange team! Andy, Spencer, McCrae and Aaryn win by almost four minutes and will be living large while Helen, Elissa, GinaMarie and Amanda suffer for the next week.
The only thing left is to see who Aaryn puts on the block.

From the beginning of the show it seems the all-powerful house wants Helen and Elissa to be the two to go up, but will there be a big surprise for once?
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No! Because that would be so unlike this season.
As expected, Aaryn shows zero game play and puts up Helen and Elissa.

And then Amanda and McCrae win the entire game!
Not really, but for yet another week the house blindly follows McCranda and stumbles into the second half of the game. BB 15: Expect the expected...
Who do you think should go home? What should Big Brother do to shake things up in this horrible house? Why can't we stop watching even if everything has been so predictable up until now? Follow me on twitter for more BB recaps, exclusives and news, and then sound off in the comments section or tweet us @OKMagazine.