OK! Exclusive: Pacific Rim's Heather Doerksen On Her Dream Rom-Com Co-Star And The TV Show She Wants to Be On

Ladies and gents, we're calling it—Pacific Rim is the movie you're gonna wanna see this summer. Sure, from the surface it looks like a knock-off of Transformers, but the movie, about people who try to escape the apocalypse and robots, is getting tons of major buzz—72 percent on Rotten Tomatoes is huge!
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And of course, we chatted with one of the movie's big players—Heather Doerksen, who plays a pilot and one of the only females in the entire film. See what the up-and-coming stunner told us about her bad-ass character, who she'd want to work with if she did a rom-com and her favorite TV shows, reality and scripted.

OK!: Congrats! The movie’s getting amazing reviews. Could you tell me a little about your character, Sasha? Because she seems really badass...
Heather Doerksen: She is! She’s super badass. You don’t want to mess with her. She’s found a way to live among all of these guys that she’s found herself with. She’s the only female pilot at the start of the film.
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OK!: So what was it like being one of the only girls in the movie? Were you intimidated?
HD: I first walked into the training facility that we were going to be training in with a trainer they flew in from LA and I walked in and I was intimidated. I typically do yoga and I walk everywhere and that’s how I get my exercise. But this was the first time I had intensely gone to the gym or trained with a trainer. I didn’t know how to get off a treadmill! Those things are very dangerous.

OK!: Ha! Did this film make you believe more or less in the apocalypse and supernatural creatures and all that fun stuff?
HD: I think the reason why we’re so attracted to that genre right now is because people like to visualize what they would do and who they would turn to if they were in an extreme situation and just have to survive. But no, it’s not affecting my daily life. I’m not too freaked out about the apocalypse or zombies or monsters…yet.
OK!: Are you into movies that are essentially spoofing movies like Pacific Rim? Like Zombieland, This Is The End...
HD: I love those. I loved Zombieland. Because they basically take the piss out of things and I don’t think you should take things too seriously in life. And I think we should all be reminded of that. Also I really like to do comedy and I did comedy the first 2 years after I graduated college so I really love it and appreciate it.
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OK!: If you were to do a romantic comedy, who would you cast as your leading man?
HD: I might say Javier Bardem. He’s dreamy. But I think he’s more dreamy when he’s with Penelope Cruz. They’re sort of a duo for me.

OK!: Good choice! I read you’re a big Harry Potter and Game of Thrones fan. Are you only into the sci-fi stuff or are you into reality tv, too?
HD: Yeah I do like reality tv. I’ve always liked Survivor since season 1. I think I’ve watched every season. And Sons of Anarchy. I started watching right after I filmed with Charlie Hunnam and I’m kind of glad I did because I would’ve come to set fainting. He’s so good.
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OK!: I feel like you could be on that show!
HD: Yeah? I could probably slip into that really easily. Let’s campaign for that.
OK!: A lot of interviews that you've done you talk about being 5"10. Does your height affect the roles you get, you think?
HD: I used to write on my resume that I was shorter than I was because I thought it would inhibit my roles and as soon as I embraced that I am a tall female I started getting really fantastic roles and really didn’t even worry about wearing heels. Im almost 6 feet when I wear heels. But when you embrace who you are, life starts to open up for you.

OK!: Well, I'm the opposite. I'm 5 feet so I kind of know the feeling.
HD: (Laughs). I have a friend that's like, 4"9! But Minnie Driver, Cameron Diaz, they're all tall, gorgeous ladies and they're doing just fine because they know who they are and they're ok with it.
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Pacific Rim is in theaters now! Are you excited to see the film? Do you think Heather is one badass chick like her character? Tweet us @OKMagazine!