I Watched The First 2 Episodes of Teen Mom 3! Here's What To Look Forward To This Season

Before I gush for 500ish words about how amazing the first season of Teen Mom 3 is probably going to be, let me set the stage here. About a month ago, a package came for me in the mail from MTV. Inside was the press screener of the first two episodes of Teen Mom 3. Wanna know how excited I was? Unfortunately I don't have a pic of my face's reactopm when I opened it, but I do have this picture proof of my DVD that I posted on Instagram:

And now, it's really happening. I was nervous for a solid few weeks that it would never come to be, but finally, TM3 is premiering in just a few days. And since I'm all Teen Mom, all the time here at OKMagazine.com and since I know you fans are just DYING to know what the four new girls are like on-screen, I'm here to tell you everything you need to know. Without giving too much away, of course. And if you're curious, I can tell you what they're like in person, too. I interviewed Katie, Alex and Briana last week and those videos are coming to OKMagazine.com next week so stay tuned!

Anyway, back to the show. First of all, right off the bat, you feel bad for the girls. From the very first scene you see how much drama there is with the girls and their babies' fathers. There's no Tyler Baltierra this season who's a supportive boyfriend, and there's no Jo Rivera who's a really great dad...all these guys, quite honestly, suck.
Let's start with Alex Sekella. I sort of feel the worst for her because not only is her daughter's father in and out of rehab (think Kieffer Delp but not quite as bad), but she's working three jobs to support her baby and, as she says in the second episode, she's about 200 assignments behind in school. Also, Matt at this point is living in her mom's house with her and her siblings, and he doesn't help out around the house or pay rent. No idea how Alex balances it all, but I'm excited to see how all three of those factors (baby, school, terrible boyfriend) play out throughout the season.

Briana Dejesus is the one I remember the most from 16 & Pregnant, mostly because she's the one who has a sister who had an abortion. Briana's got a supportive mom and sister who help her out with raising her daughter, Nova, but Nova's dad, Devoin, doesn't want to be a father at all. The closeness of Briana's mom and sister sort of remind me of Randy Houska and Chelsea's family on Teen Mom 2, and Devoin kind of reminds me of Adam Lind. Both families are awesome and both boyfriends suck, basically.
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Then there's Katie Yeager. The worst thing that happens to her in the first episode is that her baby's father, Joey, drives her car and gets a dent in it, and Joey doesn't care at all. Whatsoever. She's got a good head on her shoulders though—she's already graduated from high school when we meet her in episode 1, and her daughter, Molli, seems happy and healthy. You can tell already though that her relationship with Joey, Molli's dad, is complicated and very on-and-off, so I think her storyline will revolve the most around the drama there.

Then lastly there's Mackenzie Douthit. I didn't get to meet her last week (I think this was probably because the press day was just a few days after she announced her second pregnancy and she probably didn't want to be asked about it), but from watching the show I know that she's got an interesting story to tell. The season opens with her and Josh McKee celebrating their two year anniversary and Mackenzie saying how she just wants her feelings for him to be reciprocated. We also find out that she still has diabetes, which she got while pregnant with Gannon, and that she hasn't entirely given up cheerleading, even though she had to while she was pregnant. There's a lot going on there.

So, kids, that's what you'll see in the first 2 episodes of Teen Mom 3. But trust me, I know there's tons more to come. This season is already starting off super intense and like I mentioned, the main theme that runs throughout all four girls' stories is that they have sucky baby daddies. Sucky baby daddies = awesome TV. Starting Monday, I'll be covering the season from start to finish and will be posting exclusive interviews and weekly sneak peeks at the episode right here on OKMagazine.com. So please keep coming back, ok?

Photos: The Teen Mom 3 Girls' Twitter Styles And Why To Follow Them
Teen Mom 3 premieres Monday, August 26 at 10pm on MTV! Whose story are you the most excited to see play out this season after reading this? Do you think these girls will be the best ones yet? Tweet your thoughts @OKMagazine or leave a comment on our Teen Mom Facebook page.