jill vertes
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NEWSDance Moms Recap: The 5 Most Cringe-Worthy Moments
Somewhere, Rosa Parks is rolling in her grave! Thanks to Abby Lee Miller and her theme dances, the civil rights activist got lots of buzz on this week's Dance NEWSDance Moms Recap: Should Jill Take a Chill Pill?
Kendall's mom has never been soft-spoken, but as the ALDC prepared for Nationals, Jill went off the rails. NEWS'Dance Moms' Summer Premiere Recap: Cry Me A River!
You know how there's no crying in baseball? Well, there's lots of tears in dancing! The waterworks were in full effect during the two hour summer premiere of NEWS'Dance Moms' Reunion: The 9 Biggest Insults Hurled In Part 2!
The conclusion of the Dance Moms reunion centered on "new moms" Kristie Ray and Jackie Lucia airing their grievances with the original cast members. But things NEWS'Dance Moms' Reunion: The 5 Biggest Arguments From Part 1
The first part of the Dance Moms reunion was surprisingly tame considering the ladies fight with each other -- and dance teacher Abby Lee Miller -- on a regular NEWSPolitical Animals: Don't Mess With The Dance Moms!
It's the age old Dance Moms question: Who did better, Chloe or Maddie? The fierce competitors were pitted against each other by coach Abby Lee Miller with NEWS5 Burning Questions From This Week's 'Dance Moms'
This week's Dance Moms was all about the Jazz Hands. Abby Lee Miller brought in her pal Rachelle Rak, a Broadway vet, to guest choreograph the group dance. NEWSWhen Dance Moms Live Tweet... 9 Of Their Best One-Liners!
It was a double dose of Dance Moms this week and that meant two hours of live tweeting from Christi, Holly, Kelly, Jill and Melissa. Here's some of the best NEWS'Dance Moms' Shocker: Is Abby's Mystery Man Gay? Plus: 5 More Burning Questions!
All's fair in love and war so it's no surprise the Dance Moms were happy to poke fun at their nemesis Abby Lee Miller as gushed about her secret boyfriend in NEWS'Dance Moms': About That Duet With Star-Student Maddie Ziegler and Underdog Kendall Vertes
Aside from the incident with Brooke Hyland being left off the pyramid and Sophia Lucia's top placement despite not being at rehearsal, the drama (and the heart)