celeb feuds
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PHOTOS Kylie Jenner And Kim Kardashian's Feud Gets Worse—Find Out How Kylie Bashed Her Sister
VIDEOS WATCH: Sister Feud Explodes When Kendall Calls Kylie Jenner A B****!
The sisters are at it again on this Sunday’s season 11 premiere of Keeping Up With the Kardashians! In this exclusive clip from the premiere episode, KendallPHOTOS Kim Kardashian And Beyonce Feud! Reality Star Is 'Ignoring Her Calls!'
VIDEOS Watch Geneva Thomas Of Blood, Sweat, And Heels Attack Melyssa Ford With A Bottle!
Catfight alert! During the filming of season 2 of Bravo’s Blood, Sweat, and Heels, in New York City, blood literally was shed! Cast member Geneva Thomas, who